I had a third grade teacher who made us (gasp!)
memorize poems. This was one of my favorites. When you’re 9, what’s not to love? It was like a luscious tongue twister and we were so proud of ourselves when we were able to get through it perfectly. Just a note: it’s more fun if you read it out loud. Eletelephony by Laura Elizabeth Richards Once there was an elephant, Who tried to use the telephant— No! no! I mean an elephone Who tried to use the telephone— (Dear me! I am not certain quite That even now I've got it right.) Howe'er it was, he got his trunk Entangled in the telephunk; The more he tried to get it free, The louder buzzed the telephee— (I fear I'd better drop the song Of elephop and telephong!)

Head over to
http://www.madiganreads.com/ for more great Friday poems.
How did we miss her for the MA book?
Do teachers still do this? I try to with my preschoolers. Some years it's Dickinson's "A Bird" other years it's Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." I remember every poem I had to memorize as a kid. I bet most people do.
Unfortunately, she is a writer from MA--along with about a million other women. The state is loaded with great women writers. We didn't miss her, we just needed a variety.
And why can't I get my posts to print out the way I want?
I wonder what that elephant would think about a cellaphant . . .
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