Over the years, it has become common
for YA authors to use the first person when writing young adult novels. Using
first person brings readers into the story in a “You are there” way. First
person can be limiting, however, and if you’re thinking of writing your story
in first person, read some novels that use this technique before you start. I’d
also like to recommend finding a copy of Sherry Garland's Writing for Young Adults. It’s a very good introduction to the YA
genre. Garland is well-read and uses many examples of fine YA literature to
illustrate points in each chapter:
"Some examples of
excellent first person YA novels are Jacob
Have I Loved by Katherine Paterson, Fallen
Angels by Walter Dean Myers and S.E. Hinton's books, The Outsiders and That Was
Then, This is Now."(p. 106)

"Many authorities
believe that the YA literature revolution erupted in the late 1960's. In a
turbulent social and political climate young adults adopted the war cry
"tell it like it is," and authors like S. E. Hinton (a teenager
herself) emerged, creating fiction with realistic adolescent characters in
realistic situations." (p. 8)
Outsiders is the story of fourteen-year-old Ponyboy Curtis, his brothers
(Sodapop and Darry) and their gang. The Curtis brothers have been on their own
since the death of their parents.
"Since Mom and
Dad were killed in an auto wreck, the three of us get to stay together only as
long as we behave. So Soda and I stay out of trouble as much as we can, and
we're careful not to get caught when we can't." (p.11)
Garland suggests "part of the
process of developing characters is giving them appropriate names. . ."
(p.124) In an on-line interview S.E. Hinton said she felt the teen years are
". . .an age when you would like to have an unusual name. It helps
establish identity." (Barnes and
Noble Chat Transcripts, December 3, 1997)
I didn't feel Hinton's characters'
odd names added anything to our ability to understand who or what the
characters were. "Ponyboy" and "Sodapop" would have been
more believable as nicknames. But the author says these are the boys’ legal
names, given to them by their father:
"My dad was an
original person," I said. "I got a brother named Sodapop, and it says
so on his birth certificate." (p.30)
I found the idea, that an adult
would saddle children with such names, distracting when I first read the book.
Then Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple. But I digress…
Sometimes I got lost in Hinton's
novel and other times I was thrown so far out of it I wondered why she bothered
to use first person at all. Author intrusion is prevalent. I am amazed Hinton's
editor let so much of it pass:
"Soda is
handsomer than anyone else I know. . .He's not as tall as Darry, and he's a
little slimmer, but he has a finely
drawn, sensitive face that somehow manages to be reckless and thoughtful at the
same time." (p. 16, italics mine)
I could not imagine any
fourteen-year-old describing a sibling in that way. S. E. Hinton may have been
a well-read teen, but Hinton was not being true to Ponyboy's character with
such flowery language. I will even risk being politically incorrect when I say
that I was also not convinced this was language a boy would use—at least
not the boy she was trying to create.

"One of the
new guys who came in was from Fort Dix. He looked like one of the characters in
an Archie Andrews comic, but he was so scared it wasn't funny. He told us his
name was Jenkins." (p. 20 Fallen
In Fallen Angels, Myers' character, Richard
Perry, tells about his tour of duty in Vietnam. Perry is educated, and, like Ponyboy Curtis, well-read, yet his
description of the new guy in the platoon, while sparse, accomplishes a great
deal. Reference to the Archie comic books not only brings readers into the 60's
with Perry but allows us to participate in the description of the character. We
add our own details to Jenkins with our own mental references to Archie, Reggie
and Jughead.
Sherry Garland suggests that
dialogue can be used to convey the setting of a novel:
". . .dialogue is a shortcut that eliminates the need
for long passages of description." (p. 133)
Both Hinton and Myers present their
novels' settings through the use of dialogue. Myers sets his novel's scene in
the first two pages, preparing the reader in a matter of three sentences:
must have told them suckers I was coming."
who?" I asked.
Congs, man. Who you think I'm talking about?" (p.3)
I read thirty-one pages of The
Outsiders before I realized that the setting was not New York City:
he use to ride in rodeos? Saddle
Dad made him quit after he tore a ligament, though. We still hang around rodeos
a lot. I've seen you two barrel race. You're good." (p.31)
Now I can't
say that Hinton misleads her audience with suggestions that the setting is
specifically New York, but neither does she indicate until the sentences above
where the story is set. Bits of description spread throughout the book hint at
least at a Big Apple-type setting until suddenly, rodeos are part of the
conversation. Once again, I'm catapulted right out of the story while I let my
brain process this new information. The knowledge essentially becomes a red
herring. Rodeos, horses, and riding are barely mentioned again and have no
place in the plot. In an interview, Hinton mentions that she is from Tulsa,
Oklahoma. "Write what you know?"
Maybe, but the section reads like an afterthought ("Oh! Maybe I ought to put something about the
setting here.")
writes what he knows, too. Richard Perry, like the young Walter Dean Myers, is
from Harlem and is in the Army. The difference is Myers doesn't ever pull me
out of Viet Nam when he is providing this background information.
novel was published in 1967 and is supposed to deal with contemporary themes.
Myers' Fallen Angels was published in
1988 but deals with the Vietnam War during 1967-1968. I would have been within
the same age-group as the protagonists in both novels, yet I could not relate
to the characters in The Outsiders.
It was not because I had never been a member of a "greaser" gang. I
never fought in Vietnam either. It shouldn't matter. Myers’ book does a better
job of "You are there."
So many people do first person badly, but when you find someone who does it well, you can count on a great read.
I agree.
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