I saw my wife devoutly praying. This is the prayer I heard her saying:
Oh, Lord, let it snow.
Let it drift and let it blow.
In the morning, no real fuss,
Just enough to stop the bus.
Enough to make the County say:

"There will be no school today."
Let the radio report: "Snow’s deep!"
And I’ll roll over for more sleep.
Then later on, say maybe ten,
I’ll turn the radio on again.
Just in time to hear them say:
"It’s strange; the snow has gone away!"
And then I’ll know, You made it stop,
So I can go to the mall and shop.
Please, Lord, just hear my teacher’s plea,
And make it snow for the kids and me!
-- John Hillen
Today's Poetry Friday is being graciously hosted at thehollyandtheivy. Check it out!
Ah, I remember those days...
I used to teach and remembered loving the snow days as much as the kids! We have 6-8 inches of snow expected tonight, but it's Saturday tomorrow! ;) Cute poem!
I love this one. I live in the Northeast too, and my dad was a teacher. I grew up in a house where snowstorms found him wandering from window to window at all hours of the night, no doubt praying this prayer (minus the melting and shopping part). Snow still feels like a holiday -- even though I'm quite ready for spring.
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