You'll find explanations of terms that you may have heard, but didn't quite understand such as "the deep web," directories, portals, Boolean searches; there's a decussion of the major search engines, Google, Yahoo, Bing, some lesser known ones, and, the new visualization search engines; places to find images, audios, and videos; and news resources. The chapter that, as far as I'm concerned, is worth spending $24.95 (list price) for is Chapter 6, "An Internet Reference Shelf." Lots of great places to visit, and to bookmark for future projects.
The best part of the book is at the end where there is a "URL List." It is arranged by chapters and simply lists all the web addresses of the various sites discussed in each chapter. How convenient is that? Rather than having to read a chapter all over again just to find a site you had read about earlier, all you do is turn to the "URL List"--easy peasy.
Now this is a book for me. Thanks, Diane!
Got an Amazon gift card for Christmas. Guess what it's going to buy? Thanks, Diane!
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