I hated that quote when I was a myopic teenager. Now, as a myopic member of AARP, I appreciate
the joke much more. The line is one of
hundreds of Dorothy Parker’s witticisms.
Parker was born 119 years ago today. Her birth name was Rothschild. Her professional name came from her first husband, Edwin Parker.
Dorothy began working in the New York magazine world in
1914, first at Vogue and then Vanity Fair. There she became a well-known theater critic. She could be tough:
“She runs the
gamut of emotions from A to B.” (Speaking of Katherine Hepburn).

Dorothy’s writing included plays, short stories, and movie
scripts. In 1928 she divorced Edwin
Parker. She lived for some time in Hollywood. The years following included a
rough patch of affairs, alcoholism, at least one abortion, depression, and
attempted suicide.
“I'd rather have a bottle in
front of me, than a frontal lobotomy.”
During the same period, however, Parker became an
activist. She protested the trial and
executions of Sacco and Vanzetti. In the 1940s she became greatly involved in
the cause of Civil Rights and helped to start the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League. She
was head of the Spanish Children’s Relief committee. By the 1950s, she’d been
blacklisted as a Communist.

Such a legendary figure! I wonder which of today's literati they'll be writing about in 119 years.
For those interested in Parker, there's a Parker quote page on FB, click here.
I love the Katherine Hepburn quote.
I'm reading Caitlin Moran's "How to Be a Woman" right now and she said, "Parker is the Eve of female humor. Robert Johnson invented the blues, at midnight, at a crossroads, after selling his soul to the devil. Dorothy Parker invented amusing women, at 2 p.m., in New York's best cocktail bar, after tipping a busboy 50 cents for a martini. It's hard not to draw conclusions as to which is the brighter sex."
I'll drink to that, Andy!
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